hey there! welcome to my webpage! thanks for being here and have fun!
I'm Vanity, the creator of this website, for some inside info about me, th is my very first website im making, im 14 and a goofy femboyish guy who loves to surf the web and generally have fun, i love my computer and my cats and friends, i play a lot of games such as Ultrakill, roblox. Lisa the Painful, Splatoon, Oneshot, and a lot more! but thats just the basic gist of myself :3
this website is still in its first stages, if youre one of the peoplez who seen this website before full completion, congratz! either you hacked into my dms and stole it from my friend or you just happen to be lucky enough to get it sent to you, either from a server or personally in dms, or you just saw it on your neocities page somewhere., either way, i clap for you. heres a reward!
guhh :3